Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The Easter Bunny brought a few things, but the back yard neighborly Easter Bunny also brought a surprise...

This is one cool parachute guy!

A mini Angry Bird kite. Flew like a champ!

Picnic in the back yard...ketchup mouth...

Mom, I wanted to pick you something for Easter...Awwww, how nice. They are a lovely yellow!

On the bike path at the park... Hellllllooooooooooo...?

We were on a mission, armed with nets and binoculars. Do you see what his prey is? Don't let him see the net, he might skeedadle... It burns a lot of energy, that's for sure...

Dirt, fresh plowed dirt. (mud volleyball court at the park)

Happy Easter

Preparing...This boy can read. Don't let him fool you. He reads like a first grader, his teacher says.

Now that job is done. What can we do with all the COLOR that's left... Hmmmmm.....

Make splatters, of course!

Now that the eggs are dry, the real fun begins...

Hope everyone is enjoying the spring time! We've had 30 degree nights this week and the furnace is back to full time.


The new kitty in town (since Christmas), Zorro. They get along reasonably well now. This looks like a cat body with two heads.

LAD wanted to camp in the back yard last weekend. Temps dipped into the 40s...So we compromised and camped in the garage, in the tent.

The next day, Zorro is a napper by day. LAD had to cover him up with his "blankey". Comfy cozy.


Camouflaged... It was late in the afternoon, after a sunny day. I think he was soaking up the heat off that rock.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Random March 2012

Kindergarten Parent Teacher conference time. We checked out all the projects they've been working on this winter.

Ledges State Park. They still haven't re-opened the park from the big floods a couple years ago. But you can still walk in. So we trudged our bikes out for the first ride of the year. Such a shame that they haven't made much effort to reopen it back up.

A spring break day. IHOP and the Science Center. LAD loves wearing this tie!

Our neighbors tulips. Look at that grubby hand!

Zorro...he's a little nervous outside...but he's becoming more adventurous. Didn't take him long to be come a 100% inside cat!

Bowl, hat, eh, whatever. We started a paper making project and the bowl was to be his form for his paper bowl.

Random February 2012

We took a kids class at Memory Bound, making a Valentine's Day card holder.

Sharing with the Girls at Girls Night Out at Memory Bound...