Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bam Bam, last game

It rained overnight, and this morning, but they got their game in anyway! I think this is their last one. :(

He's a switch hitter. I think he's gonna bat lefty like me. Not sure why...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


After two weeks of rained out Saturday games, they finally got their first game in a couple weeks ago, on a Monday, on a grassy area. Not as much fun, but it got the job done...

They put the big ball on the cans then hit it with a big fat plastic bat. Each child gets a turn batting and the fielding team, each child gets a turn at chasing and returning the ball to home for the next batter.

Not sure, but this may be one of my favorite pics ever.

Good sportsmanship is always encouraged!

This was last Saturday, finally a non-rained-out game! Yay, and on the real ball field too!

I think LAD was running for home here, after someone hit the ball that was heading to the outfield...

Approaching second, I got to be second base coach that day.

Waiting as patiently as they can for a turn chasing...



Good Job! High Fives!

High Five at 1st base. Never got a good shot of him batting. Maybe next time.

Whew! After game treats are the best!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

And friends...

A hotwheel in each pocket. A pillow, stuffed puppy and Pooh, all crammed into the backpack. Happy day!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bring on the summer!

He found this shirt in some hand-me-downs we were going thru. It has pineapples on it. I think he liked that the most! (Thanks Angela!)


Just being sillllllly!

Saturday was our town's city wide yard sale. We found some good bargains. We found this croquet set. Works best with fresh mown, short, grass...

Next great find was this Imaginext PIRATE SHIP! Remember this and this? Cheap fuel for the imagination...

Bike riding. He's hard to ride with. He wants to "be the leader" but he has an erratic pace.

Another bike ride. He rode, I walked (I can barely keep up with his bike pedalling legs this year). It rained. He found some puddles. Rain was never an issue. He has upgraded to MY helmet.

A few last things into the garden. I planted eggplants and green beans. He planted CORN. All by himself...

Must see if the pirate ship floats or not. Not. No matter.

"Make sure to give me 'claws' ". OK. Whatever.

Thursday, June 3, 2010