Then this inevitably, eventually took a little longer this time. Last week we had water in both the west and east ditch, but it stopped raining soon enough and everything drained away, but no such luck this past Sunday morning. It rained at least 3.5 inches, Randy measured LAD's pool, it was empty the night before. Everything is just so saturated it just had no where to go, so up it came! Happy day!
So we bought two new 3/4 inch hoses and 2 more floor pumps and spent the day moving crap, pumping, cleaning, blah blah blah.
Then the fridge compressor is on it's way out, so we're certainly spending our Economic Stimulus check! Oh well, at least we have something to show for it, as some might not...
Whining about a little bit of water.
If you're talking about that newish green frig, then it's about time. We bought that in 1968 or 69.
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