Sunday, December 2, 2007

Journal Your Christmas-December 2

Today's entry was about the weather. Well we've started the month off with a bang in that department. Yesterday we had sleet and freezing rain, but it warmed up to the mid 30's later in the day so it didn't stick to the trees and power lines like it could have. My journaling for this page got a little long winded so I just tucked it into the envelope that I attached to the page.
LAD colored the center snowman, from something that came in the mail. Bird pics are from 2003!
Yikes-where has the time gone!


Pam said...

Love this layout! Your photo of the birds is beautiful and I really like your "snow" title in the different font for each letter.

Marja said...

I love this!! The envelope is a great idea and I like how you have continued the snowman theme throughout.


Kos med papir og saks said...

beautiful layout. love the photos, the evenlope and the snowman.

can't wait to see more