Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wings to fly

Practice. "Hello, Roger. We'll be there soon. We have to move the airplane to Ames, to have it worked on. See you soon. Bye."

LAD's second (small) plane ride. (His first, he was about 8 months old, from G'ma Airplane).

It was only a matter of time. I don't think he really realized he could "ask" to go for a ride, or he surely would have before now. The opportunity presented itself today, so he got to go.

It's in his blood. Now it's in his head-the idea he can go-. He, of course, loved it. I am not surprised.
But it sure is hard on a Momma's heart to let him stretch those wings to fly.

1 comment:

Ma said...

Waal, happy Muther's Day, Flyin' Mama!